425DXN #1762 (by Mauro I1JQJ and Valeria IK1ADH)
425DXN #1762 (Calendar) (by Mauro I1JQJ and Valeria IK1ADH)
425 Magazine - July 2024 Edition (by Nicola IZ3EBA)
(425DXN Database powered by Leo IZ5FSA)
It all began in May 1991. Today, Decembre the 2nd 2024, 425 DX News marks its
1700th issue after over thirty-two years of providing uninterrupted
service to the DX community.
To all our readers across the globe:
thank you!
73 de 425 Dx News Team
425 DX News originates from a group of local amateurs (the so-called '425 DX
Gang') who used to meet on 145.425 MHz and exchange DX information.
At a certain point 2 metres did not suit any more: many people living far
from call area 1 wanted to participate in the exchange, so that the Gang
moved on the HF bands (10 metres at first, then 80 metres) and organized a
weekly info net for Italian DXers.
In the early nineties, as Packet Radio got a footing and the Packet Cluster
Network links became more and more reliable, a bulletin in writing was born.
It was called 425 DX News in memory of the frequency where everything had
started from.
Between May 1991 and March 1995 the bulletin was sent in Italian language on
the BBS and PCL networks. On entering the Internet era, a website and a
mailing list were created, and 425 DX News began being produced in English.
In 2005 it became the DX Bulletin of ARI, the IARU member society for Italy.
In June 2010 the mailing list [425eng] moved to Google Groups, and has been
administered by Stefano Turci, IK4WMH since then.
425 DX News is also available on other mailing lists such as Yahoo Group's
[DX IS], and in other languages (for instance in Russian, translated by
Alexander Venderovich, UA9MHN).
Complementary to 425 DX News are the 425 Magazine, initiated by Maurizio
Bertolino (I1-21171) and continued by Nicola Baldresca (IZ3EBA), and the
popular piece of software developed by Leonardo Lastrucci (IZ5FSA), which
allows to query the 425DXN Archive from the PacketCluster and on the Web.
In May 2007 the Editors of 425 DX News were inducted into the CQ DX Hall of
Fame, "in recognition of their extraordinary and unselfish contribution to
the sport of Amateur Radio DXing".
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH