7 December 2024 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1753
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Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
8Q - Reiner, DL2AAZ will be active as 8Q7RL from the Maldives (AS-013)
on 9-17 December. He will operate SSB and FT8 on 40-10 metres. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. Also QRV will be David, HB9ILL as
8Q7IL, on 9-18 December. He will run 10 watts on 40, 20 and 10
metres SSB. [TNX The Daily DX]
9A - Promoting IARU Region 1's Program for Disabled Radio Amateurs,
members of the Croatian Amateur Radio Association (HRS) will
activate special callsigns 9A24PDRA, 9A24PD and 9A24D starting on 3
December (the International Day of Persons with Disabilities) until
the end of the year. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log and
QRZ Logbook.
A7 - A71QND is the special callsign for the Qatar Amateur Radio Society
to celebrate Qatar National Day (18 December).
Also taking part in the celebrations will be the Bahrain Amateur
Radio Society as A91QTR on 12-18 December, and the Emirates Amateur
Radio Society as A60QATAR on 18-22 December (individual operators
may append a serial number to the special callsign), as well as
possibly the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society as 9K9QATAR, the Royal
Omani Amateur Radio Society as A43QAT, the Saudi Amateur Radio
Society as HZ1QATAR.
DU - Hannes, OE1SGU/OE3SGU will be active as DU1OE from Luzon Island
(OC-042), Philippines on 10-27 December. He will be QRV on 40-6
metres all modes. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (direct), LoTW and eQSL.
FY - Joe, OZ0J will be active as TO0J from French Guiana on 20-31
December. He will operate FT8, CW and SSB on 80-6 metres. QSL via
Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, eQSL, or direct to home call.
See https://to0j.oz0j.dk/ for more information.
J7 - Team J75K (namely FM5WD, IK3ZAQ and IV3JVJ) will be active from
Dominica (NA-101) from 26 December to 4 January. They will operate
SSB, CW and FT8/FT4 on 160-6 metres. QSL via LoTW, or direct to
IV3JVJ; logsearch on Club Log. See https://j75k.jimdofree.com for
more information.
OH - Celebrating the Christmas Holiday Season, the OH9A team is once
again active as OG1XMAS on all bands and modes on 1-24 December.
QSL via LoTW (preferred), Club Log's OQRS, or direct to OH1NOA.
ON - UBA Section Bruxelles-Est (ON5UB) will be active as OR80NUTS on 13-
15 December to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of
the Bulge during World War II. The suffix of the special callsign
is General Anthony C. McAuliffe's famous single-word reply in
response to a surrender ultimatum.
S5 - Special event station S525PMC will be active from 5 December to 5
January 2025 to promote the PMC Contest, sponsored by the Radio
Club Slovenj Gradec (S59DCD). The International Association of
Peace Messenger Cities was established in 1988 to recognize and en-
courage the role and responsibility cities have in creating a cul-
ture of peace. The PMC Contest, promoting contacts between stations
located in the Peace Messenger Cities and the rest of the world,
will be held on 4-5 January. Complete information can be found on
https://www.s59dcd.si/index.php/sl/ww-pmc/ww-pmc-contest-rules. QSL
via eQSL.
SP - Celebrating Christmas and the New Year, special callsigns HF0CLAUS
and SP0CLAUS will be active from 6 December to 6 January. QSL via
the bureau, eQSL, or direct to Dariusz Florczyk, ul. Kozminska 35,
63-330 Dobrzyca, Poland.
Other special callsigns for the festive season include 3Z0XMAS
(Poland), EG7FN (Spain, 10-25 December), II2XMAS (Italy, 29 Novem-
ber-6 January), LY24XMAS (Lithuania, 1-31 December), OE65XMAS
(Austria, 20 December-6 January), OZ4XMAS (Denmark), PD2025HNY
(Netherlands, 23-31 December), TM2024MC (France), VK6SANTA (Aus-
tralia, 1-24 December), YR8XMAS (Romania, 1 December-5 January).
See their qrz.com's pages for more information.
V3 - Mike, VE7ACN will be active as V31CN from Manta Island, Glover's
Reef (NA-180), Belize on 8-17 December. He will operate mainly CW
with some SSB and FT8 on 80-10 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS,
LoTW, or via home call
V4 - Jim, NT5V will be active holiday style as V47V from St. Kitts (NA-
104) on 11-18 December. He will operate mostly SSB and FT8 on 40-10
metres. QSL via LoTW, or via home call.
YJ - Chris, VK2YUS will be active again as YJ0CA from Port Vila (OC-035)
Vanuatu between 10 and 16 December, including an entry in the ARRL
10 Meter Contest. He will operate SSB on 40-10 metres, typically
between 21 UTC and 10 UTC. QSL direct to home call. He does not use
LoTW or Club Log.
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!
REBEL DX GROUP NEWS ---> The Kiribati Telecom Authority has issued callsigns
and licences "for unlimited multi operator group station" for the Rebel DX
Group's activities from
Kiritimati, West Kiribati T32TTT December 2024-January 2025;
Kanton Island, Central Kiribati T31TTT April-May 2025;
Tarawa, East Kiribati T30TTT sometime in 2025;
Banaba Island T33TTT sometime in 2025.
More information will be posted to the Rebels' private Facebook group:
YOUTH ON THE AIR SUMMER CAMP ---> The fifth Youth on the Air (YOTA) summer
camp for young radio amateurs from the Americas will be held on 15-20 June
2025 in Denver, Colorado. Online applications are being accepted now at
https://youthontheair.org/denver2025/ through 1 May, but "for the best
chance at being selected, applications should be submitted by 23.59Z on
January 15, 2025". Applicants must be licensed amateur radio operators aged
15-25 and residing in North, Central, or South America.
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3V8HP, 4S7AB, 5W0TE, 5Z4VJ, 6Y1A,
PA/DL1WH, SX5GB, T32AZ, TI9/TI2JJP, TO2DX (AF-016), TO5A (NA-017), TO8FP
(NA-032), UN3J, V31XX, V4/WE9G, V55Y, VI7POL, VK9DX, VP6MW, VP6WR, VR2T,